Featured Speaker: Uche Odiatu, D.M.D.
Dr. Uche Odiatu, D.M.D. is a professional member of the American College of Sports Medicine and a practicing dentist in Toronto. He is also the author of The Miracle of Health. This busy health care professional is an NSCA Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Yoga Instructor, Certified Boot Camp Instructor and has given 500 plus lectures in England, Canada, the USA, the Bahamas, Denmark, Bermuda and Norway. He has lectured at the American Dental Association Annual session 14 times since 2006. Has been the invited guest in over 400 radio and TV shows from Alaska to Atlanta and from NYC to California. Instagram @fitspeakers
The Secret Lives of Your Patients:
Lifestyle Habits that Influence Healing
Course Description:
Our patients don't leave their stressful jobs, poor sleeping patterns (insomnia, apnea, snoring), their physical fitness (or lack) or their eating patterns (mindless eating & evening feeding frenzies) in the car before they sit in our chair. There's irrefutable scientific evidence that these habits can ramp up inflammation or dial it down. Well adjusted, rested, physically active, healthy eating patients enjoy a physiology that supports a better response to our prevention/restorative interventions. In this high energy entertaining program, be prepared to have your hair blown back.
- Discover how eating habits can dial down or ramp inflammation and how it affects your treatment outcomes
- Learn why it's important to identify the sleep deprived patient (not just apnea) right away at the New Patient exam
- Understand why your sedentary patients don't heal as well as your active living patients. ALERT 85% of your patients lead sedentary lives.
- Gain greater insight into the relationship between chronic inflammation & disease and become a leader
Inflammation 911:
The Mouth-Body-Mind Connection!
Course Description:
Want to learn about “permanent lifestyle change” and SLASH your patients' disease risk? There is an avalanche of evidence demonstrating the connection between your patients' mouths with modern lifestyle habits: lack of sleep (saps their discipline), shift work (after 4 night-shifts blood sugar is elevated), poorly managed stress (shows up in every cell of their body), overeating (high fat & processed food boosts inflammation), and sedentary living (did you know “Sitting is the New Smoking?”). And it's bi-directional; the oral environment has far reaching effects on the rest of the body.
Patients appreciate the dental health professional who sees the bigger picture and truly understands the relationship between the body, mind & mouth. Set yourself apart from the pack and develop a VALUE-ADDED PRACTICE. Stop the deadly “rock n roll” cascade with specific dental & lifestyle solutions guaranteed to change your patient's health destiny. This fact filled & inspirational program is a ‘call to arms’ against “party all night” inflammation - “let's douse the flames!”
- Recognize the destructive INFLAMMATORY CASCADE in your patients.
- Make the connection between diabetes, insulin resistance, & inflammation
- Learn how to spot the SLEEP DEPRIVED PATIENT. Hint, 30% of Americans are shift workers and are living in a “jet lag” state.
- Spot how stress shows up in your patient's mouth
- Understand how chronic dehydration adversely influences your patient's biochemistry
- Identify 7 KEY foods & lifestyle habits that contribute to inflammation - EAT THIS NOT THAT!
- Learn which exercises best fight inflammation in your body.
- Put into practice some simple solutions to modify your patient's behavior.
- Implement a new dimension to your treatment planning.
- Discover how visceral fat behaves like an active organ releasing inflammatory cytokines causing havoc throughout the entire body & mouth.
Do Your Patients Have the Guts to Enjoy Oral Health?
Course Description:
Do your patients have the guts to douse the flames of inflammation? Our patients' gut flora makes very powerful anti-inflammatory agents when fed key nutrients. Learn what impacts gut integrity: antibiotics, jet lag, fast food, artificial sweeteners & what we dental pros can do! The latest science from the National Institute of Health shows the microbiome impacts overall health as much as our genes & the number one way to influence is your diet. Dental industry people are the key health care professionals to ensure optimum functioning of the masticatory system. Attend this insightful session & enjoy a novel path to lower your patients' inflammatory burden.
- Gain insight into the science of the human microbiome.
- Learn why NEW findings about your patients' gut flora are shaking the very foundation of health & healing.
- Understand why the dental professional is perfectly positioned to help ALL people live more vibrant lives NOW.
- The level of your gut health influences your immune system, metabolism, digestion, energy levels and emotional well-being.
- Discover the foundational role of your patient's gut integrity & inflammation
Nutrition Lallapaloosa: Essential Nutrition for The Dental Professional!
Course Description:
Don't miss this food festival. After this party is over, you'll no longer look at food as simply “fuel.” There is no innocent food. Researchers have found irrefutable scientific evidence macronutrients & micronutrients modulate inflammation in the body. What your patients consume either boosts inflammation or turns it down. Consuming a variety of healthy food lowers inflammation, slows age related dysfunction, supports a healthy metabolism & boosts oral health. Our diets are the linchpin of the repair/regeneration cycle. This inspiring session will support your patients' health journey.
- Discover the value of talking chairside nutrition with patients.
- Learn why Hippocrates in 300BC said “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”.
- Understand just how food is much more than calories and has a powerful influence in every physiological process in the body.
- Feel Empowered to talk food, mood, healing and soft tissue management with your patients.
(Early AM prior to conference schedule)
Uche's ZenBody60: Energize & Revitalize
(Morning or Afternoon 30-45 minute workout / energizer) up to 150 people.
This session has been done outdoors and indoors at American Dental Association's annual session 2009, 2016, 2017, 2019. Lifelong athlete, practicing dentist and NSCA Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Yoga Instructor, Certified Boot Camp instructor will guide you through a 30-60 minute gentle series of exercises to tone and move your 600 muscles and 206 bones. Beginner to intermediate exercisers will enjoy the opportunity to experience a unique way to wake up their muscles and energize the spirit.
- Receive the components of a time efficient complete exercise program for the busiest dental professional.
- Discover the value of adding a flexibility and balance component to your workouts.
- Gain insight into the influence of a meditative period in your day to support the mind-body connection.